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What Does Canonical Mean

What is Canonical?

Canonical is a term used to describe the official or authoritative version of a piece of content. It is often used in the context of webpages, where it is important to specify the original source of the content, and to avoid duplicate content. The canonical version of a webpage is the one that should be indexed by search engines and linked to by other websites.

Why is Canonical Important?

Using the canonical tag is important for SEO purposes, as it helps search engines to identify the original source of the content. It also helps to avoid duplicate content issues, which can have a negative effect on SEO rankings. By specifying the canonical version of a page, search engines can easily identify the original source and avoid indexing duplicate versions of the same content.

Using the canonical tag is also important for website owners, as it helps them to ensure that any links to their content are pointing to the official version. This ensures that they receive the maximum benefit from the links, as search engines will only count the link to the canonical version.

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In summary, the canonical tag is an important tool for website owners, as it helps to ensure that search engines and other websites are pointing to the official version of their content. By using the canonical tag, website owners can ensure that their content is properly indexed and linked to, helping to boost their SEO rankings. What does canonical mean? Canonical means the official or authoritative version of a piece of content.

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