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What is Doorway Page

What is a Doorway Page?

A doorway page, also known as a gateway page or entry page, is a web page that is specifically designed to rank high in search engine results for particular keywords or phrases. However, instead of providing valuable and relevant content to users, doorway pages are created solely to redirect visitors to another page that may or may not be related to their search query. These pages are primarily built to manipulate search engine rankings and attract more traffic to a website, rather than serving the best interests of users.

Characteristics of Doorway Pages

Doorway pages often exhibit certain characteristics that differentiate them from regular web pages. These characteristics include:

1. Keyword optimization: Doorway pages are heavily optimized for specific keywords or phrases that the webmaster wants to target. They often contain keyword stuffing, where keywords are excessively repeated, making the content seem unnatural.

2. Minimal content: Doorway pages typically lack substantial content and instead focus on providing minimal information or even none at all. Their purpose is to serve as a mere entry point to other pages, rather than provide value to users.

3. Redirects: One of the key features of doorway pages is the use of redirects. When a user lands on a doorway page, they are automatically redirected to another page, often unrelated to their initial search intent. This technique aims to manipulate search engine algorithms and increase traffic to specific pages.

4. Multiple doorways: Websites that employ doorway pages often create several variations of these pages, targeting different keywords or locations. This strategy allows them to increase their chances of ranking high for a wide range of search queries, even if the pages themselves offer little value.

Why are Doorway Pages Created?

The primary reason for creating doorway pages is to deceive search engines and manipulate rankings. By targeting specific keywords or phrases and creating numerous entrance points to a website, webmasters hope to increase their visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). This technique aims to attract more organic traffic, leading to higher conversion rates or increased ad revenue.

However, doorway pages go against the principles of providing relevant and valuable content to users. They can negatively affect the user experience by delivering irrelevant information or redirecting users to unrelated pages. Search engines, like Google, continuously refine their algorithms to identify and penalize websites utilizing doorway pages, as they aim to deliver the most reliable and user-friendly search results possible.

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Impact on SEO

While doorway pages may provide short-term benefits in terms of increased traffic or visibility, they can have severe long-term consequences for a website\’s SEO. Search engines consider doorway pages a violation of their guidelines and may penalize or even remove websites from their index altogether.

Penalties can range from lower rankings to complete removal from search results, resulting in a significant loss of organic traffic. Additionally, search engines\’ algorithms are becoming increasingly proficient at detecting and penalizing manipulative practices, making it crucial for website owners to focus on creating quality content and delivering a genuine user experience.


Doorway pages are web pages intended to deceive search engines and manipulate rankings by targeting specific keywords and redirecting users to unrelated content. While they may temporarily increase traffic or visibility, the use of doorway pages violates search engine guidelines and can result in penalties or removal from search results. It is essential for website owners and SEO practitioners to prioritize providing valuable and relevant content to users, as this approach will lead to sustainable, long-term success in organic search rankings.

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