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What is 404 Error

What is a 404 Error?

A 404 error, also known as \”Page Not Found\” error, is an HTTP status code that indicates the failure of a web server to find the requested resource. When a user attempts to access a webpage that no longer exists or has been moved, the server responds with a 404 error code, informing the user that the page they are looking for cannot be found.

Causes of 404 Errors

There are several reasons why a 404 error may occur:

1. Broken or removed links: When a webpage is deleted or its URL is changed without proper redirection, any linked pages that still point to the old URL will result in a 404 error. This can happen due to website restructuring, content removal, or URL changes.

2. Mistyped URLs: If a user manually enters an incorrect URL in the browser\’s address bar or clicks on a hyperlink with a typo, they will be directed to a non-existent page, triggering a 404 error.

3. Expired or deleted content: If a webpage is removed or its content expires, any attempt to access that page will result in a 404 error. This commonly occurs when a website\’s content is regularly updated, but old URLs are not properly redirected.

4. Server configuration issues: In some cases, server misconfigurations or limitations can cause 404 errors. These can include issues with DNS settings, server permissions, or misconfigured redirect rules.

Impact on SEO

From an SEO standpoint, encountering 404 errors can have negative consequences. When search engines crawl a website and encounter multiple 404 errors, it indicates poor user experience and may result in lower rankings for the affected website. Here\’s why:

1. Poor user experience: When users land on a 404 error page, it disrupts their browsing experience and may lead to frustration. This can result in higher bounce rates, decreased time spent on the site, and ultimately a negative impact on user engagement metrics.

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2. Lost link equity: If external websites or internal pages link to a URL that produces a 404 error, the link equity or \”link juice\” that those links pass to the target page is lost. This can diminish the authority and ranking potential of the website.

3. Crawling inefficiency: Search engine crawlers allocate a limited amount of time and resources to index a website. When they encounter a significant number of 404 errors, it hampers their ability to crawl and index the site effectively. This can lead to poor visibility and lower rankings for the website\’s pages.

How to Handle 404 Errors

To mitigate the negative impact of 404 errors, it is crucial to handle them properly. Here are recommended practices for managing 404 errors:

1. Custom error pages: Instead of displaying a generic or default 404 error page, it is advisable to create a custom error page that provides users with relevant information, such as suggesting alternative pages, offering a search bar, or providing links to popular content.

2. Implement redirects: If a webpage is permanently moved or its URL structure is altered, it is essential to set up 301 redirects. This ensures that users and search engines are automatically redirected to the correct page, preserving link equity and maintaining a good user experience.

3. Regularly audit and fix broken links: Conduct periodic audits of your website to identify broken links and fix them promptly. Utilize tools like Google Search Console, which provide reports on crawl errors, to identify and address 404 errors proactively.

4. Monitor and correct internal linking: Keep a close eye on internal links within your website to ensure they are not leading to 404 errors. Update or fix any links pointing to removed or non-existent pages.

5. Update sitemaps: Whenever changes are made to your website\’s structure or content, update the XML sitemap to reflect the latest URLs. This helps search engines discover and index the correct pages.

6. Monitor crawl errors: Regularly monitor the crawl errors reported in Google Search Console or other webmaster tools to identify and resolve recurring 404 errors. Investigate patterns and fix any underlying issues causing these errors.


In summary, a 404 error occurs when a web server cannot find the requested resource, indicating that the page does not exist or has been moved. These errors can negatively impact user experience, SEO rankings, and the efficiency of search engine crawling. By properly handling 404 errors through the use of custom error pages, redirects, regular audits, and monitoring, website owners can mitigate the negative effects and provide a better browsing experience for their users.

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