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What Is Dofollow Link

What is a Dofollow Link?

A dofollow link is an HTML attribute that tells search engines to follow a link from one page to another. This type of link passes link juice from one page to another, helping to improve the rankings of the linked-to page in search engine results. Dofollow links are the opposite of nofollow links, which tell search engines not to follow the link.

When creating links, it is important to understand the different types of links and how they can affect your website\’s SEO. Dofollow links are the most common type of link, and they are the default setting for all links. This means that if you do not specify a link as nofollow, it will be a dofollow link.

Why Are Dofollow Links Important?

Dofollow links are important because they help to increase the authority of the linked-to page. When a search engine crawls a website, it follows the links on the page to other pages. When a page is linked to from a dofollow link, it sends a signal to the search engine that the linked-to page is important and should be included in the search engine results.

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The more dofollow links a page has, the more authority it has in the eyes of the search engine. This can help to improve the rankings of the page in search engine results, which can lead to more website traffic.

In conclusion, dofollow links are an important part of SEO and can help to improve the rankings of a page in search engine results. What is a dofollow link? Dofollow links are HTML attributes that tell search engines to follow a link from one page to another, helping to improve the rankings of the linked-to page in search engine results.

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