A cluster keyword, a topic cluster, is a collection of highly associated terms that may describe a vital topic or user intent while searching. Pages, such as a collection of blogs or shopping sites, benefit from these cluster keywords since they give background information and links to related content. They also serve as an excellent tool for organising your blog’s operational effectiveness structure, facilitating the enhancement of many aspects of your strategy.

Suppose you’re trying to sell artistic centrepieces online, and your blog contains the terms ornamental vases, crystal decorative clay pots, and stylish blue vases. In that case, you’re utilising a wide variety of keywords. Still, all of them are related to a specific search query.

To avoid missing out on a sizable portion of the internet market by focusing on one keyword, you may divide the many themes you want to cover in your blogs into cluster keywords. In this way, you may simultaneously improve your article’s ranking in the search engine algorithm for the intent of the search by optimising it for core, brief, and long-tail keywords.

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Methods for locating clustering keywords:

Topic clusters, often called content clusters, are groups of similar concepts. Your goals for specific pieces of content are covered here. The following elements make up what is known as a topic cluster approach:

  • Locating your niche’s significant themes (sometimes called pillar subjects). This might be the phrase natural skincare for a company that sells cosmetics.
  • Create a list of subtopics connected to the main keyword and fit within the more extensive pillar subject. Such phrases may include a do-it-yourself mask regimen, fruit treatments for acne, and similar concepts related to natural skin care. You may now begin compiling a list of potential keywords.
  • By employing keyword research tools, we may broaden our focus to encompass broader versions of the specific themes we’ve already listed.
  • Including customer-preferred long-tail keywords (phrases of three or more syllables) in your content. This sets niche keywords apart from the rest: their focus is on a specific niche. Men’s organic skin conditions mud masks are one example.
  • Clustering these terms together based on shared characteristics such as relatedness, use, and so on. DIY skincare kits, routines, and advice might be grouped under a single umbrella term. You may use the semantic connections between them to organise the keywords. You may narrow your keyword pool by using metrics like search traffic and cost per click.

Once you have a group of related keywords, you may use them as guides for your work.

The Proper Method for Clustering Keywords:

It’s time to get a handle on the best methods for clustering keywords and producing topic clusters.

  • Create a keywords list:

To begin, compile a list of terms for which your competitor’s content is already optimised. It’s a great way to learn about relevant keywords you can use in your plans and identify the keywords that will impact your business most.

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  • Sort your keywords into categories:

Once you have collected preliminary keyword data, you can begin sorting your terms into categories according to the users’ intentions while searching.

  • Make hub pages for each group of keywords and have them optimised:

You may use your keyword lists to map out future content strategies. You may structure your subject clusters and improve them according to the best SEO principles by creating groups of related cluster keywords, often known as pillar pages.

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  • Fill in the content vacuums and develop a plan:

Conduct keyword analysis to identify any information gaps in your competition’s material and capitalise on them. This might be aided by finding your speciality and developing your unique approach.

  • Use blog posts to support keyword groupings:

You may now start developing blog material around your cluster keywords, which will help to further establish your primary keyword’s prominence in your site’s subject matter. In this step, you’ll create content that incorporates your cluster keyword and accurately reflects the user intent you’re trying to attract in search results.

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When using several keywords, what should you do?

Since we’ve been taught to focus on assigning up to three keywords to each piece of content, this section needs to be clarified. But things have evolved, and nowadays, it’s user intent rather than keywords that we optimise for. If that’s the case, why have I even brought up the topic of keyword clustering? It is simply that it is much easier to develop content that explicitly addresses intent if relevant keywords are grouped in clusters.

 Information-seeking and consumption patterns create the basis for clustering. These subject clusters enable us to handle all the bases as individuals seek information online for various reasons. If you’re going to use more than one keyword for a particular piece of content, make sure they’re all relevant to one another, like:

  • Marketers use technology to their advantage.
  • Advice for promoting your business online
  • Promotion of digital content
  • Digital advertising resources
  • Guide to online marketing for newcomers

Sorting by hand vs automation

Several applications exist to facilitate automated keyword clustering, although some users may feel more comfortable performing this task by hand with the assistance of Excel or another program. Imagine how time-consuming it would be to manually handle thousands of keywords if you came up with only a hundred terms after conducting research for a project.

If you want to cluster manually, you’ll have to dissect each keyword into its parts, determine its meaning, and compile lists of phrases according to your criteria through a tool that can automatically cluster keywords, saving you time while still producing the desired results.

You won’t have to manually examine each query to learn what they consist of or how to divide them into manageable groupings; instead, you’ll have access to valuable insights.

Tools for clustering keywords to organise ideas:

Websites and portals are crucial for keyword research, and many tools are needed for the subsequent keyword clustering process. To save you time and effort in your research and help you break down your results into more manageable components for content creation and SEO, we have gathered a list of presently available keyword clustering tools.

Cluster AI:

Cluster AI is an excellent option since it has an easy user interface, is simple to operate, and produces valuable results regardless of geographic location. However, there is a need for more customisation options, and more information is needed with the generated keywords. Although it is a beautiful, straightforward keyword clustering tool with which to begin, you may want to look elsewhere if you want to delve deeper into keyword research possibilities.

WriterZen keyword explorer:

The user-friendly and efficient WriterZen Keyword Explorer returns relevant results quickly. As a bonus, it won’t break the bank and offers a substantial return on your money. Several keyword research tools are available for keyword clustering, and the resulting terms come with a wealth of information.


With the aid of Serpstat, you can compile information about the various search queries used by your target audience and conduct an in-depth analysis of published articles to determine which subject clusters are the most relevant to your target audience. When creating cluster keywords, it considers both interpretation and user intent. Unlike competing solutions, keyword clustering is included right into all paid subscription tiers, not an optional add-on.

Is It useful to cluster keywords?

Keyword cluster is a more advanced SEO method that can give you an edge in competitive industries using Google’s two major powers: natural language processing and unmatched scanning. It would be best if you remembered that. Google has a solid grasp of the vast quantity of similar keywords used by consumers across all disciplines.

 In addition, it recognises the complexities in questions and the relationships between them. Google spent a lot of time and resources programming their NLP models to evaluate content services and forecast which web pages would provide the most excellent content for the finder.

If you use keyword clustering on your landing pages, Google will see that you have much relevant information and are an expert in your field. Moreover, you provide Google’s content signals with the rich content clustering they are conditioned to recognise and encourage in search queries.

To use keyword clustering, website owners need to take a more holistic approach to their writing. And it’s essential for SEO’s long-term development. Your on-page strategy needs to catch up to compete with Google in the long run.

What role do topic clusters play in helping your SEO efforts?

Please ensure that the information you share is relevant to what people want when using Google. Then, readers will find your site through means other than your promotional efforts. When you respond with articles that closely follow cluster keywords, you show that you understand the question and care about the response.

Clusters of related topics are helpful for several reasons:


Blog posts organised around cluster keywords, and related themes can cover more ground and present information from various perspectives. If you want Google to comprehend what you’re saying, you’re doing more than just seeing connections between words.

 By identifying associated themes, you also demonstrate mastery of the subject. Users may use similar search phrases for similar products; cream and hydrating lotion are just two instances. While answering their question, you’ll also educate the consumer on these issues (even if lotion and cream are different items).


Google will search your website to index its pages and evaluate the quality of its content. Using these keywords will show users that your company is attentive to their needs while searching. It’s a great way to show Google that you’re prepared to handle the most frequent questions about your site. With Google’s help, you’ll rise to the top of search engine rankings. The keywords in your cluster will range from those with a low rating and low competition to those with a high order and plenty of competition.

Methodical, fast, content-based engine:

When you let your keyword clusters guide your content creation, you’ll have a precise direction to follow. You’ll be in a stronger position to increase the volume of information you produce.

Clustering keywords for use in content and advertising:

If you have many lists of keywords, you can increase the search terms for which your content will be found. If you look at the whole list of keywords inside a group, you can uncover specific ideas and intentions to cover; this is made possible when you determine which group relates to which page and portion of your website.

Doing so can ensure your material is reliable and up to par with user standards. Promoting the deals on your website using groups of related keywords is more efficient. Suppose you’re trying to sell people healthier options. Don’t segment your advertising into subsets like weight-loss-friendly snacks, vegetarian meals, natural snacks, wholesome snacks for youngsters, and so on. In that case, your ads won’t be relevant to those looking for them.

If users see no value in your advertisements, your Grade and Advertising Position will suffer. However, keyword organiser tools may categorise keywords by intent and highlight opportunities to improve your content and advertising.


Keyword Clustering may be done in various ways, such as by determining the meaning of the queries being grouped or counting the number of shared URLs. Whatever your SEO objectives, learning more about the sector in general, carefully picking the most relevant words, or something else entirely, you may choose the appropriate approach (hard or soft) and precision.

Keyword clustering is beneficial not just because it improves search engine optimisation but also because it allows you to utilise your time better. After identifying the most effective keywords for your company through research, you may classify them based on commonalities. You may avoid confusing your readers and hurting your search engine rankings by sticking to a deliberate strategy that specifies which keywords and pieces of content will be used.

Keyword and topic clustering are two techniques that may be used to improve search engine rankings for targeted queries, including numerous keywords. By incorporating them into your SEO plan, you may raise your site’s visibility and the value of its content.

Seo.London enhances a company’s visibility online, growth, and client base, all of which contribute to higher profits and a larger market share, and Lukasz is a great consultant and will help your company expand and prosper each and every month.

What is keyword clustering

Last Updated in 2022-12-28T07:59:19+00:00 by Lukasz Zelezny
