How To Do SEO For IT Companies? Nothing is easy for IT companies. These companies may be on the cutting edge of technology but their SEO habits may be fading or nonexistent. It is understandable because the IT niche is not a very large one.

This industry is not like Jewelers, Garment districts, or other very popular industries that have millions of people looking for the latest and greatest fashion trends.

But size does not matter when it comes to ranking and SEO strategies. There is SEO for IT companies. You still need to rank and get that edge over your competition.

Increase your online presence with Lukasz Zelezny, an SEO Consultant with over 20 years experience — schedule a meeting now.

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SEO for IT company- Not on Google?

As you know this is the leading search engine and as Google goes so does the internet. You may find that your website is not indexed on this search engine and if you do not see it, you can do a site search to find out if you are or not.

Keep in mind that Google indexes and crawls billions of web pages every day, it is possible for them to miss a few from time to time. Your IT company may be one of those missed. Here are the reasons why your IT company’s web pages may be missed:

  • You do not have any great connections from other websites
  • Your website is new and Google hasn’t been able to crawl it yet
  • The design of the website makes it difficult for Google to crawl it
  • Google received an error message when trying to crawl it
  • You have instituted a policy that blocks Google from crawling your website

All of these reasons come from Google itself. If you are finding that your website is not being indexed on Google, then check out the sources for this problem on your end.

Google adds sites automatically when they come across them, there is still no guarantee they will find every website.

How To Do SEO For IT Companies?

There are many different SEO strategies that you need to employ. The reason there are is that the SEO rules keep changing. In the IT world, there are not a lot of regular people looking for information on or about this industry.

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Some of those searchers are looking for simplified content while others are looking for content filled with technical terms, etc. This is not a very popular field of interest when you compare it to other industries.

That can change especially when you are doing SEO for IT companies. Here are some of the key strategies your website master should be employing:

Get More Customers Online with Lukasz Zelezny, an SEO Consultant with over 20 years experience — schedule a meeting now.

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1. Know Your Audience

A very important SEO strategy. Once you know who your audience is and what type of content they are looking for, you can develop great keywords to drive them to your website.

This means you will have to do your homework and determine if your audience wants the highly technical content or simplified, sales pitches. Then because tech words change frequently, your keyword list should not be set in stone. Update it on a regular basis.

Plus, you can employ some great keyword-generating tools that make this work a lot easier for you. Many of these tools have free trial periods so take advantage of those.

2. Keep Your Content Fresh

No one likes ready stale, out-of-date news or information. They do not want last year’s opinions or news stories either. What this means is that you will have to continually publish fresh, unique content that attracts the attention of your website’s readers.

Your content is also going to have to be top-drawer material. This is where second best is not going to cut it. One reason for saying that is if your audience is other IT geniuses, they will know if you know what you are talking about.

It will take work but you have to make sure your content is worth reading by IT professionals.

3. Improve Your Page Loading Time

This is important SEO for IT companies as people are expecting more from them than regular website owners. You are on the cusp of technological advances so they expect your websites to exhibit those advances.

In other words, your web pages and website need to load in 2 seconds or less. If not, then your website visitors may jump to your competitor. It is a big turn-off to website visitors to have to sit there and wait for the website they clicked on to fill their screens.

If you are not sure if your website loads fast enough or not, then you can choose one of the many online analytic tools that will measure the speed for you.

4. Create Local Web Pages

This is not a joke. About 33% of all web searches are related to the location as internet users favour companies near them. If you take the time to create these pages, you should be making your website more visible. The type of pages you need to create are:

  • Specific cities or regions of the country
  • Cities or regions where your IT company has offices
  • Areas where your company services

All of these web pages should boost your visibility. Remember people like dealing with local companies, not those from out of town. This is so even if most of the employees of an IT company are from out of town.

5. Use Social Media

As much as people hate these social media outlets, there are millions of users on them every day. In the highly competitive IT market, this is a customer resource that cannot be ignored.

While your social media account will help you post videos of your company, and its products, or let you create top blog posts and more, it also helps make your company look more friendly and down to earth.

The key is not to do hype or give a sales pitch. Use these accounts to be informative, and helpful as well as solve some problems for your visitors. Save the sales pitch for where it fits outside of those social media outlets.

6. Do On-Page SEO

This is not referring to keyword stuffing. In the early days of the internet keyword stuffing was okay. However, things have changed in the past 30 years and this type of activity or other black hat activity can penalize your website and make it disappear.

Do backlinking to credible authoritative websites in the IT industry, continue to post helpful and informative content that helps build trust in your readers, and so on.

There are other on-page SEO tricks you can use to make sure your website ranks higher and is more visible.

7. Use Alt Tags

These little tags are essential to search engines when they crawl your website. These alt tags are invisible to your visitors but the search engine uses them to help locate your website.

These alt tags are attached to images and videos and their use takes a lot of skill and thinking to get them right. Plus, these alt tags help those internet users find your web pages when they are using text-only browsers and screen readers.

Do You Need An SEO Consultant?

This is a very important question for just about everyone who has a website. The SEO rules are constantly changing and it takes time to keep up with those changes. You got to be flexible and move with those changes or you may find that your website is blacklisted.

Also, it takes time to do proper SEO work, even for IT geniuses. You may not have the time to create and implement new SEO strategies, find keywords, write great content, and so on.

If you are in that boat, then you need an SEO consultant to take the weight of SEO and website maintenance off your shoulders. These experts are trained in SEO and as you are a master of your IT section of the industry, they are masters of SEO.

To be a good businessman, you need to hire those people who are strongest where you are weakest. Don’t do it yourself if you are not highly trained in SEO methods and can use all the right tools.

There are a lot of professional SEO consultants working today. Not all are good, not all have the expertise, and not all charge a reasonable price for their services. You will need to spend some time vetting the different consultants before you find the right one.

Some Final Words

When you have decided that you do not have the time or expertise to handle all the SEO duties your website requires, call our company today. We have over 10 years of experience in this field and know all the rules of SEO.

Plus, we do not practice any black hat SEO so your website is in safe hands when you hire our company. Our pricing packages are reasonable and affordable. Also, they are designed to meet the levels of service you require.

Call us today and see what we can do for your IT company. You have nothing to lose by talking to us today.

SEO for IT Companies

Last Updated in 2023-04-12T14:45:47+00:00 by Lukasz Zelezny
