How to Build Google-Friendly Backlinks Using Help a Reporter Out (HARO)

Backlinks will affect the keywords and positions for which Google ranks your website. According to Andrey Lipattsev, it’s one of the search engine’s top two ranking factors. Google’s algorithm ranks websites based heavily on their backlinks and content.

Google’s algorithm doesn’t treat all backlinks the same. Some backlinks have a significant impact on Google rankings, whereas other backlinks have little or no effect. There are even backlinks that hurt Google rankings. You can build Google-friendly backlinks using Help a Reporter Out (HARO). HARO backlinks can raise your website’s rankings on Google to generate more organic search traffic.


What Is HARO?

HARO is an online platform connecting journalists with their respective content sources. It’s available at Journalists from across the world use HARO for referenceses.

When writing a story, journalists will typically cite their sources. They’ll mention the names of the people, businesses and websites from which they obtained information. Some journalists may already have a source for a story, but those who don’t have a source may use HARO. Journalists can sign up for HARO, after which they can request information on topics.

You can build Google-friendly backlinks using HARO by persuading journalists to use you and your website as a source for their stories. If your website is relevant to a journalist’s request query, the journalist may link to it.

You can respond to a journalist’s request query while explaining why the journalist should choose you as a source this response; you can mention your website and any content relevant to the journalist’s request queue.

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Create an Account

When signing up for HARO, you’ll have to choose between an account for a journalist or a source. Of course, you’ll need to choose the latter option. Journalists on HARO seek information to use stories. Sources provide this information to journalists.

You can also choose between a free account or one of several types of paid accounts. Alversionsts come with email-based media opportunities. For example, HARO will send journalists’ request queries to your inbox daily. Paid accounts come with additional perks, such as keyword alerts, text-based media opportunities and profile creation.

Subscribe to Relevant Categories

You should subscribe to relevant categories. The categories you subscribe to will determine which request queries reach your inbox.

Thousands of journalists use HARO. However, by subscribing to relevant categories, you won’t receive request queries from all of the platform’s journalists; you’ll only accept requests from journalists who need content relevant to you and your website.

Pitch Yourself as an Expert

To persuade journalists to choose you as a source, you need to pitch yourself as an expert. Journalists seek expert sources. A journalist looking for information about solar panel technology probably won’t choose you as a source if your website is about landscaping. They may, however, prefer you as a source if your website is about solar power or clean energy.

When responding to journalistsrequestses, mention any personal experience on the topic and your website’s address. Your website projects expertise. Assuming high-quality content will show journalists you are knowledgeable and experienced in a particular field.

Personalize Responses

Constantly personalize your responses. It will create a more meaningful connection with journalists and distinguish your reactions from those of spammers.

You can personalize your responses by addressing journalists by name. Request inquiries will typically feature the name of the journalist who created them. Therefore, skip the generic salutations when crafting responses. Instead, use a personalizegreetingon that addresses journalists by name.

Don’t Ignore Anonymous Request Inquiries

You’ll see the names of journalists and the media or news outlets for which they work in most request inquiries. But some request inquiries may be labelled as anonymous. HARO supports anonymous request inquiries. Journalists who don’t want to reveal their name or the name of the news outlet for which they work can choose to remain anonymous.

You may assume that anonymous request inquiries involve low-traffic news outlets. However, if a news outlet doesn’t get much traffic, it may struggle to attract sources. Therefore, the journalist may post request inquiries on HARO anonymously.

Responding to anonymous request inquiries can still be worth your time. Not all of them are posted by low-traffic news outlets. Many high-traffic news outlets post anonymous request inquiries as well. If a high-traffic news outlet doesn’t want to attract the attention of spammers, it may use anonymous request inquiries on HARO. Responding to anonymous request inquiries may connect you to some of these high-traffic news outlets.

Follow the Rules

HARO has rules. Violating any of these rules may result in permanent suspension. As a source, for example, you must send your content in responses. In addition, HARO prohibits references from sending other individuals’ or businesses’ content in their responses.

HARO also prohibits sources from requiring journalists to link to their websites. You can still mention your website’s address. Many journalists will link to your website in a story so that their readers know the source. Regardless, you can’t require journalists to link to your website.

Act Fast

The sooner you respond to journalists’ request queries, the better your chance of them choosing you as a source. Journalists will see a feed of responses when they log in to their accounts. At the top of this feed is the fastest response. HARO will display it at the top of the journalist’s feed if you’re the first source to respond to a journalist’s request query.

For faster responses, you’ll need to check your inbox frequently. You’ll receive journalists’ request queries three times a day, which are delivered to your inbox. Neglecting to check your inbox means some request queries may go unnoticed.

Building Google-friendly backlinks is easy, thanks to HARO. You can sign up for an account to find journalists needing sources. You can then respond to their request queries while pitching yourself as an expert. Journalists who believe you are the right source for their story may give you a citation that includes a backlink.

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Last Updated in 2022-12-28T09:00:14+00:00 by Lukasz Zelezny
