
Page speed has been considered a ranking factor by many search engines for some time. It is also essential for your site’s SERP since it determines how quickly users get to land on your page. When visitors experience a delay when searching for a page, they are likely to abandon that site and move on the quicker sites. Consequently, users want quick responses to their queries; a delayed experience would discourage traffic from flowing into the site. As such, web developers ought to evaluate the page speed using the speed tools to discourage such traffic setbacks away from the site and the decline in site rankings.

What is Page Speed in SEO?

Page speed is the length of time a page load and is measured differently on mobile devices and desktops. Since they both have different technological tools for speed evaluations, the average of numerous page speed is used to determine the site speed; therefore, if the page speed is slow, even the site seed will be slower.

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How Website Speed Affects SEO?

Several factors determine the success of an SEO; all these factors work together to determine SEO success on your site. If the page speed is slow, then there are higher chances that users will avoid it, thus giving your competitors with faster web pages and an edge over your site.

Since the users know there are many sites online, they would not waste time loading a single page for several seconds. Page speed is an essential component that can seriously affect your site’s SEO performance. Hence, improve your web page’s speed to enable visitors to have a great experience on your site and increase your traffic.

What are Google Algorithm Updates and how do they Impact Page Speed?

These are complex procedures that help to retrieve information from the search indexes then, immediately delivering to the users the required searches for their query. Google simultaneously uses several ranking factors and algorithms to provide pages that are ranked by order of relevance on search list results.

Google algorithm signal evaluates aspects such as how visitors appreciate the interaction experience with the web page. Therefore, optimizing these aspects provides the page with a more attractive and appealing experience to the users.

The faster your page speed, the better it is for your site since google algorithms will retrieve information from search indexes from the faster loading pages. For low-speed loading pages, thereby the probability is that they will rank lowest since the complex systems for data retrieval will take time before getting to them.

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Core Web Factors that will help Improve Page Speed

These core web factors are fundamental components that will help you improve your web page speed. They are part of a Google initiative that guides quality signals which are imperative to offer the user a great experience when interacting with the web page.

The core web fundamentals are currently focused on several metrics, namely, LCP, CLS and FID. The three metrics evaluate user experience by observing the rate at which the pages’ visual stability, interaction, and loading are set.

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  • Large Contentful Paint (LCP) involves the loading aspect and coordinates the rate at which site visitors can comprehend the largest content within the web page. According to google standards, a visual image or text should load in not more than 2.5 seconds. Otherwise would be rendered the page slower.
  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) deals with visual stability; if the web page moves position after loading, it is regarded as a poor user experience. That would contribute to increasing the web page CLS score. According to Google, the CLS score should be not more than 0.1 to produce adequate visual stability.
  • First Input Delay (FID) captures the visitor’s initial impression of the web page responsiveness and interaction. Secondly, it evaluates the length of engagement time when the users first land on the page to when the search engine can respond to the interaction.

How to Evaluate your Site Performance and Speed?

There are numerous factors that you can check to know whether your website has the required speed. You should always engage in such activities since they might impact your SEO success in a big way; among the factors involved include; Google analytics, core web vitals, GT metrics, Google page speed insights, and screaming frogs.

  • Google Analytics they help to measure the performance and speed by checking on different aspects such as;
  • The length of time pages take to load from sampled pages within the site – You can evaluate the speed that your pages take to load in different browsers to determine the page speed in your website. You can access this data from the report on user timings.
  • Execution Speed – is the time the webpage takes before loading content; the data can also be accessed from user timings.
  • Synchronizing speed – how quickly the search engine fetches the content and avails it to the user. The data can be checked on the user timings.
  • Core web vitals – deals with troubleshooting matters within the pages on the website and the overall site performance. Its report can be retrieved from the search console and usually appears separately for mobile and desktop. The poor-performing ones are usually marked in the search console report. Thereby, making it easy to identify and begin improving them to meet the required standards.
  • GT Metrics  is a speed measuring tool that evaluates how quickly your site loads; it alerts whether to improve your page speed. Therefore, enabling you to enhance on-page speed since users want quick pages that load faster to help them settle their demands.
  • Google Page Speed Limits- is used to evaluate each page speed using the Google page speed insight tool. Thus is an ideal tool to help you understand how your page rankings. It also provides recommendations for improving your page speed and ranking.

What is the Ideal Page speed for a Website?

According to Google, two seconds is the recommended loading time length for the accessibility of an e-commerce website. Google set the threshold to enable site owners’ speed up their page speed so that the users can easily access their search. Any time less than that is considered slower.

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In summary, page speed is a crucial component in SEO success for any site and its many building blocks in SEO success. Website developers need to emphasize page speed since it has direct implications concerning users’ experience. Site visitors would not tolerate a slow web page that could make them never return to such a site. Hence such might cause the website to lose traffic and a decline in its rankings. Similarly, to the website owners, you should frequently evaluate the page speed in your website to check if there is a need for any improvements so that you do not give your competitor who has faster web pages an edge over your site.

More to read:

Does Page Speed Affect SEO

Last Updated in 2022-12-28T11:39:55+00:00 by Lukasz Zelezny
