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What is Keyword Cannibalization

Blog Introduction: If you’re a marketing manager, chances are you’ve heard the term trefwoord cannibalization thrown around. But wat is keyword cannibalization? In short, it’s a situation in die multiple pages on your website compete against each other for rankings in zoeken engine results pages (SERPs). Let’s break it down further.

Wat veroorzaakt Keyword Cannibalization?

Keyword cannibalization occurs when you have multiple webpages targeting the same keyword or phrase. When this happens, the search engine algorithm has difficulty determining which page should be ranked higher in SERPs. To further complicate matters, if two pages are competing for the same keywords, neither of them will rang as high as they would if they were targeting different keywords. This can result in both pages ranking lower than expected, leaving potential customers unable to find what they are looking for.

Hoe kan Keyword Cannibalization vermijden?

The best way to avoid keyword cannibalization is to ensure that your website inhoud is optimized for one main keyword per page. For example, if you are running a blog about SEO and digital marketing, make sure that each post targets a single main keyword or phrase instead of trying to optimize for multiple keywords at once. Additionally, keep an eye out for duplicate content so you can ensure that all posts are unique and targeted towards different keywords or phrases. You may also want to create separate versions of content that targets slightly different variations of your main keyword—this will help improve your chances of reaching potential customers who might be searching with slightly different terms and phrases than what you initially thought of.

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Kortom, trefwoord kannibalisatie treedt op wanneer meerdere pagina's op uw website dezelfde trefwoorden of zinnen targeten, wat resulteert in geen van beide pagina's wordt gerangschikt zo hoog als ze zouden kunnen zijn als ze waren gericht op verschillende trefwoorden of zinnen. Om dit probleem te voorkomen, moet u ervoor zorgen dat elke pagina op uw site is geoptimaliseerd voor één hoofdzoekwoord en dat alle dubbele inhoud uit de vergelijking wordt verwijderd. Door deze stappen te nemen, kunt u de rankings van uw website maximaliseren en meer potentiële klanten bereiken dan ooit tevoren!

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