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How To Calculate Bounce Rate

이탈률 is one of the key 메트릭 in website 분석 that indicates the percentage of visitors who leave a website after viewing only 한 페이지. The lower the bounce rate, the better it is for the website\’s 성능, as it indicates that visitors have taken an interest in exploring the website further. Conversely, a high bounce rate can be an indication that the website is not engaging, unappealing or hard to navigate.

To calculate the bounce rate, you need to first determine the number of visitors who land on your website and then identify how many of these visitors depart without viewing any other pages. This can be done using Google 애널리틱스, a 무료 도구로 다음을 수행할 수 있습니다. 트랙 and analyze your website\’s performance.

이탈률을 계산하려면 다음 단계를 따르세요:

20년 이상의 경력을 가진 SEO 컨설턴트 루카스 젤레즈니와 함께 온라인 인지도를 높이세요 - 지금 미팅을 예약하세요.

오늘 SEO 통화 예약하기

1단계: 로그 in to your Google Analytics account and select the website you want to analyze.

2단계: 왼쪽 열에서 \"대상\" 탭을 클릭하고 \"개요\"를 선택합니다.

3단계: 개요 페이지에 이탈률이 백분율로 표시됩니다. 이 숫자는 웹사이트에 방문했다가 다른 페이지를 보지 않고 떠난 방문자의 수를 나타냅니다.

Step 4: To get a more detailed view of your website\’s bounce rate, you can go to the \”Behavior\” tab in the left-hand column and select \”Site Content\” and then \”Landing Pages.\” This 보고서 will show you the bounce rate for each individual page on your website.

It\’s important to keep in mind that bounce rate should be viewed in the context of the type of website and the goals of the 비즈니스. For example, a 블로그 might have a higher bounce rate than an e-commerce site because users tend to read a single blog post and then leave, while e-commerce sites require more browsing and interaction. Additionally, 랜딩 페이지 with a specific call-to-action, such as a signup form or a download button, may have a higher bounce rate but still be considered successful if the user completes the desired action.

SEO 컨설턴트 고용

In conclusion, calculating your website\’s bounce rate is a relatively simple process that can provide valuable insights into the performance of your website. Keep in mind that bounce rate should be viewed in context and should not be the only metric used to evaluate the success of your website. If you need help with analyzing your website\’s performance or implementing an effective SEO 전략, SEO.London is here to help. Contact us today to see how we can help grow your business.


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