How To Delete Google My Business Account
Deleting a Google My Business account can be a difficult process if you are not familiar with the required steps. However, it is important to note that deleting a Google My Äri account means that all the information, including arvustused and listings, will be removed permanently. Therefore, businesses that no longer wish to operate should kustutada their Google My Business accounts to prevent their customers from accessing outdated or incorrect information.
Google My Business konto kustutamise sammud
Allpool on kirjeldatud Google My Business'i konto kustutamise samme:
Suurendage oma veebipositsiooni koos Lukasz Zeleznyga, SEO-konsultandiga, kellel on üle 20 aasta kogemust - leppige kokku kohtumine kohe.
1. Logige sisse oma Google My Businessi kontole, kasutades oma sisselogimise andmeid.
2. Go to the \”Settings\” menu, mis is located on the left-hand side of the dashboard.
3. Kerige lehe allapoole, kuni jõuate nupuni \"Konto kustutamine\".
4. Click on the \”Delete Account\” button and follow the küsib to confirm the deletion.
Oluline on märkida, et Google My Business'i konto kustutamine kustutab ka kogu ettevõtte kohta käiva teabe, arvustused ja kirje. Seetõttu on väga oluline, et ettevõtted varundaksid oma andmed enne kustutamise alustamist.
Google My Business konto kustutamise põhjused
On mitmeid põhjusi, miks ettevõtted võivad otsustada oma Google My Business konto kustutada.
Üks levinumaid põhjusi on see, et ettevõte ei tööta enam või on kolinud teise kohta. Sellistel juhtudel peaksid ettevõtted oma Google My Businessi konto kustutama, et kliendid ei pääseks ligi vananenud või ebaõigele teabele.
Another reason may be that the business has rebranded or changed its name. In such cases, businesses should update their Google My Business listing to reflect the new name or brändi. However, if the business has completely changed its identity, it may be necessary to delete the vana account and create a new one.
Google My Business konto kustutamise mõju
Hankige rohkem kliente internetis koos Lukasz Zeleznyga, kes on üle 20-aastase kogemusega SEO-konsultant - leppige kokku kohtumine kohe.
Deleting a Google My Business account can have a significant impact on a business\’s online presence. It can result in the loss of reviews and ratings, which can affect the business\’s reputation and credibility. Moreover, it can result in a tilk in visibility, which can impact the business\’s otsing engine rankings and overall online visibility.
Seetõttu on oluline, et ettevõtted kaaluksid hoolikalt oma Google My Business'i konto kustutamise mõju enne kustutamisprotsessi algatamist.
Mis aadressile küsi an SEO Konsultant
Deleting a Google My Business account is a straightforward process that can be completed in a few simple steps. However, it is crucial that businesses understand the impact of deleting their account before initiating the process. If you require assistance with your SEO strateegia, SEO.London on siin, et aidata. Võtke meiega juba täna ühendust, et õppida more about our services.