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What Is A Broken Link

Mi az a törött link?

A broken link is a hyperlink on a website that no longer works. When a user clicks on a broken link, they are directed to a page that does not exist or displays an error message. Broken links are not only frustrating for users, but they can also negatively impact a website\’s keresés engine ranking and overall user tapasztalat.

Broken links can occur for a variety of reasons. For example, a website may have changed its URL structure, causing previously working links to break. Additionally, external websites may have removed or changed tartalom, leading to broken links on other websites that link to that content.

A törött linkek hatása a SEO-ra

Broken links can have a negatív impact on a website\’s search engine ranking. Search engines like Google consider broken links as a negative signal because they indicate that a website is not well-maintained or does not provide a good user experience. When search engines kúszás a website and encounter broken links, they may penalize the website by lowering its ranking in search results.

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A törött linkek a weboldal felhasználói élményét is ronthatják. Ha a felhasználók egy törött linkre kattintanak, frusztráltak lehetnek, és elhagyhatják a webhelyet, ami magasabb visszalépési arányhoz és a felhasználói elkötelezettség csökkenéséhez vezet.

Hogyan lehet azonosítani és javítani a törött linkeket

Fortunately, there are several tools available to help identify and fix broken links on a website. One popular tool is Google Keresés konzol, amely can notify website owners when broken links are detected.

To fix broken links, website owners can either update the link URL or távolítsa el a the broken link altogether. Additionally, website owners can use átirányít to ensure that users are directed to the correct page when a broken link is encountered.


In summary, broken links are hyperlinks on a website that no longer work. They can harm a website\’s search engine ranking and user experience. However, website owners can use tools like Google Search Console to identify and fix broken links, ensuring that their website provides a positive user experience and maintains a high search engine ranking.

Ne feledje, SEO stratégia is crucial for the success of your online presence. At SEO.London, we offer a range of SEO szolgáltatások to help improve your website\’s ranking and visibility in search engines. Contact us today to tanulni more about how we can help with your SEO strategy.

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