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How does Google Penguin work?

Google Penguin

Penguin (või Google Penguin) on koodnimetus Google\'i PageRank algoritmi uuendusele, mis kuulutati välja.

The update was intended to reduce the ranking of websites that violated Google\’s Webmaster Guidelines by using spamdexing techniques, such as märksõna stuffing, cloaking, participating in link exchanges, deliberate sisu duplication and others.

Ajakohastamise nimi

Tutvustati pingviini uuendust. Google andis sellele ametliku nime alles 2 päeva hiljem.

Suurendage oma veebipositsiooni koos Lukasz Zeleznyga, SEO-konsultandiga, kellel on üle 20 aasta kogemust - leppige kokku kohtumine kohe.

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Pingviini mõju otsingumootori tulemustele

According to Google\’s estimates, Penguin affects about 3.1% of queries in English and about 3% of queries in keeled such as German, Chinese and Arabic. The impact is greater for languages where SEO abuse is more common.

Pingviini ja eelmiste uuenduste erinevused

Before Penguin, Google released updates to its PageRank algorithm under the code name Panda. The eesmärk of the Panda updates was to reduce the ranking of websites that provided a vaene kasutaja kogemus. To identify these sites, a machine learning algorithm developed by computer scientist Navneet Panda was used, hence the code name of the updates. The algorithm was developed using artificial intelligence techniques based on human evaluations of the user experience of a large number of sites.

Avaldati veebilehtede paigutusel põhinev ajakohastatud versioon. Selle uuenduse eesmärk oli vähendada selliste lehekülgede positsioneerimist, mis näitasid vähe teavet lehekülje ilma kerimisriba kasutamata nähtavasse ossa.

Penguin also aims to improve the user experience, but with more emphasis on reducing the positioning of sites using abusive SEO. The Panda updates did not aadress abusive SEO. Google is therefore trying to prevent webmasters from doing must müts to offer users kvaliteetne sisu.

Tagasiside vormid

Kaks päeva pärast uuenduse kasutuselevõttu avaldas Google tagasiside vormi kahele kasutajakategooriale:

Palgata SEO konsultant

those who want to aruanne a site that practices abusive referencing (spamdexing) and that is still well-positioned despite the introduction of the update;
need, kes arvavad, et nende sait on algoritmi poolt ebaõiglaselt positsioneeritud.

Google had also previously released a reconsideration form in Google Webmaster Tools for the 700,000 sites that had received an e-posti aadress indicating that these sites had suspicious links.

Hankige rohkem kliente internetis koos Lukasz Zeleznyga, kes on üle 20-aastase kogemusega SEO-konsultant - leppige kokku kohtumine kohe.

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Google Penguin'i areng

  • Selle algoritmi esimene ajakohastamine on toimunud. See uuendus pidi Matt Cuttsi sõnul mõjutama vähem kui kümnendikku ühe protsendi ingliskeelsetest otsingutest.
  • Google Penguin 2.0 was rolled out on . This is the fourth launch of the filter. The update would impact 2.3% of English-language otsing results. This version now integrates the Penguin algorithm with Google\’s daily updates.
  • Google Penguin 2.1 võeti kasutusele . See pingviini versioon näib olevat eelmise versiooni jätk ja tundub olevat väike. Matt Cuttsi sõnul mõjutab see ainult umbes 1% kõigist otsingutulemustest.
  • Google Penguin 3.0 was deployed on . The objective of this version is to further improve the detection of link abuse and in particular the detection of networks of sites developed solely for the purpose of creating artificial links. This update has been deployed over a long period of time since Google indicated at the beginning of the kuu that the movements noticed by webmasters were due to the Google Penguin 3.0 update launched six weeks earlier.

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