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What Are Rich Snippets

什么是Rich Snippets?

丰富的片段 are pieces of code that allow webmasters to add additional information to their webpages. This information can be used by 搜索 engines to provide more detailed and relevant search results. Rich Snippets provide more information than the standard HTML code, such as product ratings, 评论, pricing, and availability. Rich Snippets can also be used to display events, recipes, people, and more.

Rich Snippets can help improve click-through rates from search engine results pages, as they provide more information than the standard HTML code. This additional information can help draw more attention to a website, resulting in more visitors and potential customers. Rich Snippets are also beneficial for search engine optimization (搜索引擎优化), as they can help a website 级别 在搜索引擎结果中排名靠前。

Using Rich Snippets is relatively simple, as they are added to the HTML code of a webpage. Most 内容 管理 系统(CMS) have plugins or modules to enable the use of Rich Snippets. Additionally, there are many online resources available to help webmasters 学习 how to implement Rich Snippets.

Lukasz Zelezny 是一位拥有 20 多年经验的搜索引擎优化顾问,他将帮助您提升在线形象。



Rich Snippets are pieces of code that allow webmasters to add additional information to their webpages. This information can be used by search engines to provide more detailed and relevant search results, as well as helping to improve click-through rates and SEO. 什么 are Rich Snippets can be easily implemented using plugins or modules from most CMS, or with the help of online resources.


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