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Ko dara Yoast SEO?

Yoast SEO ir WordPress meklēt engine optimization (SEO) plug-in. The plugin is now installed on five million computers and has been downloaded more than 310 million times.

Yoast SEO vēsture

Yoast SEO launched its initial Viss vienā SEO Pack plugin in 2007 – initially called WordPress SEO – as a WordPress plugin built by SEO expert Joost de Valk. Yoast SEO was renamed Yoast SEO in 2012. In 2012, the plug-premium in\’s version was released. Yoast held their inaugural conference, YoastCon, in 2015 at the Lindenberg Nijmegen Culture Māja in Nijmegen, Netherlands. In 2015, a vulnerability in version and previous versions was identified. A security expert identified the issue, kas might have exposed Yoast SEO customers to hackers.

Yoast kopējie ieņēmumi 2018. gadā bija 10 miljoni eiro.

Palieliniet savu klātbūtni tiešsaistē kopā ar Lukasz Zelezny, SEO konsultantu ar vairāk nekā 20 gadu pieredzi, - sarunājiet tikšanos jau tagad.

rezervēt seo zvanu šodien

Yoast kā uzņēmums

Yoast SEO radās 2005. gadā, kad Joost de Valk izveidoja tīmekļa vietni \"\". Pēc pārcelšanās uz vietni \",\" un tās pārdošanas 2009. gadā de Valks izveidoja Yoast platformu, 2010. gadā - sākotnējo WordPress SEO versiju, bet 2010. gadā - uzņēmumu Yoast BV.

Initially, Yoast concentrated on SEO konsultācijas and produced the Yoast SEO plugin for WordPress, as well as a Google Analītika plugin. Yoast SEO debuted a premium version in 2012. Yoast BV sold the Google Analytics for WordPress plugin in April 2016.

Saskaņā ar Yoast datiem 2018. gada septembrī uzņēmumā strādāja aptuveni 100 darbinieku, no kuriem 85 atrodas uzņēmuma galvenajā mītnē Vihenā, Nīderlandē.

Yoast SEO uzņemšana

The software is used on over 11 million websites and 15.4 percent of the top one million websites worldwide. It has almost five million downloads on WordPress alone. Syed Moiz Balkhi, creator of WPBeginner, a emuārs for novice users of the WordPress platform, gave the company\’s software a vērtējums of \”5 out of 5.\” According to Michael David, author of the 2015 book WordPress Search Engine Optimization, it is \”the granddaddy of all SEO plugins.\” Brian Santo, editor of EE Times, uses Yoast to determine an article\’s Google ranking based on analysis results (e.g., atslēgvārds blīvums, links, and readability), but criticises the detrimental effects of SEO on journalism and suggests that Google employ more human or artificial intelligence to improve search.


Yoast piekrita sponsorēt profesionālu basketbola klubu Gelderlandes provincē 2020. gada septembrī. Yoast United sacentīsies Nīderlandes Basketbola līgā (DBL).

Iznomāt SEO konsultantu


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