< すべてのトピック

What is Alt Text


アルト text, or alternative text, refers to the 属性 of an HTML image tag that provides a textual description of an image. Its primary purpose is to provide accessibility for individuals who are visually impaired or have difficulty viewing イメージ, allowing them to understand and interpret the コンテンツ of the image through screen readers or other assistive technologies. However, alt text also plays a crucial role in 探索 エンジン最適化 (SEO) by providing search engines with valuable information about the image and enhancing the website\’s overall visibility and ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs).

アクセシビリティの観点から、altテキストは視覚的なコンテンツの代替テキストとして機能し、視覚障害者が画像の文脈、目的、周囲のテキストとの関連性を理解できるようにします。スクリーン・リーダーは、altテキストを音声で読み上げ、視覚障害者が画像 の内容と機能を理解できるようにする。さらに、altテキストは、検索エンジンのクローラが画像を正確にインデックスし、解釈することを可能にし、すべてのユーザのアクセシビリティの向上に貢献します。

From an SEO perspective, alt text is a crucial element in optimizing images for search engines. Search engines rely on alt text to understand the subject matter of an image since they cannot \”see\” or comprehend images in the same way humans 為さる. By providing descriptive, keyword-rich alt text, website owners can enhance the relevancy and visibility of their images in search results, potentially driving more organic traffic to their website.

20年以上の経験を持つSEOコンサルタント、Lukasz Zeleznyとオンラインプレゼンスを高めましょう。



Additionally, alt text should be contextually relevant to the surrounding content. It should provide additional information that complements the text and contributes to a cohesive user 経験. This ensures that the alt text serves its intended purpose for both accessibility and SEO, providing value to all users and search engine crawlers.


In conclusion, alt text plays a vital role in making images accessible to visually impaired users, as well as enhancing a website\’s visibility in search engine results. By providing 正確, concise, and contextually relevant alt text, website owners can improve their site\’s accessibility, user experience, and search engine ranking. Incorporating alt text into image optimization 兵術 is an essential practice for any SEO-oriented 知識 base website.


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